Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Shame Of All This..

is that management is not ashamed of what they have done to the workforce and their families!  The shame of all this is that CAS thinks that all this is just a good business strategy. The shame of all this is that SEIU helped stick it to the workforce.

Mr.Jeff states that the members of the workforce that "call out" and not show up for work are hurting their co-workers. That they are " just gaming the system." Our co-workers know what we are doing and why.

It appears that our stellar management team thought that it would be business as usual and that the workforce was going to make believe that they are appreciated.and valued.  CAS, your actions speak volumes!  We know how very little you care about us as individuals and as a head of households.

So, what does management do?  They completely block out PTO for the balance of the month of December.  No one can take a day off!  No one has any plans with their families, right?  Everyone will show up for work, right?  The workforce is showing our displeasure for this new contract and your heavy handed techniques.

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