Monday, December 26, 2011
And The Fight Goes On!
And yet, the TSA seems to be still be refusing to acknowledge what anyone, aside from their own biased sources, has to say about the safety of these machines.
When will they concede to the obvious? These machines are a health threat!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Greedy versus the Needy!
At some point, they should have to prove that they deserve to be kept in place and, that our dues are well spent. Has that day arrived?
There are many things that we would like to see this union walk away with. They know all too well what those things are. It is time for them to represent the dues paying membership adequately.
How about shift differential? What say you?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
So, what is CAS up to?
For over 8 years CAS has fully complied with the TSA, whether or not, it was written into the contract. Their position now is, "if it is not in the contract, we will not do it!" What is their "ace" in the hole?
And, where is Gerry Berry? Normally, during our Thanksgiving and Xmas luncheon, he is here shaking hands and pretending that he cares about us. Is he out there fanning the flames to have the TSA allow more airports to opt out? Is he planning a strategy with his blood brother Rep. John Mica? Let's see how this all plays out!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Our New FSD will be...
He was appointed to his new post at SFO by the Office of Security Operations and the Executive Resources Council.
We look forward to his arrival and wish him the best.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Why Is The TSA Still Insisting....
The European Commission has ban the use of these machines and this decision affects every airport in Europe.
A recent PBS Newshour/ProPublica report, stated: "Research suggests that anywhere from six to 100 U.S. airline passengers each year could get cancer from the machines."
Maybe the TSA knows better than our overseas partners. What do you think?
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Still Too many Problems After 10 Years!
In another example, of poor management and communication regarding the sharing of information from the TSA to stakeholders, a report was released on November 21 from the GAO that focused on a glaring discrepancy.
It seems that the TSA has set up a department, called the "Transportation Sector Network Management", that is suppose to share information. The only problem is these officials were unsure of their roles! So, what were they doing instead of what they were hired to do? How about some accountability? There is no acceptable excuse for this!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Our Class Act of a Management Team Just Keeps..
Our part timers initially had a work week of 25 hours and had it reduced to 21 hours. Now, it has been reduced to 20 hours per week and any overtime slots are first offered to the full time employees.
How can a 20 hour work week help to pay any of your bills? When you add the cost of parking to the mix even less is left. We have talked to several part timers and they are less than thrilled.
We also have heard that CAS will be hiring 16 full timers which does not include the part timers.
How about making these part timers full time employees and then hire part time replacements for them?
Just another example of a class act!
Monday, November 21, 2011
We may all rest easy now!
Somehow, we are not satisfied with his lack of concern or his assurances, are you?,0,3721876.story
Saturday, November 12, 2011
80 Billion and Climbing!
Read the full article at:
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Have you ever wondered why....
(SFO has a requirement, under the QSP, that covers "covered" employees. If you provide security services you are a covered employee.)
So, if the union tries to take credit for this benefit you can tell them that you know better.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Let's Not Let The Truth Get In The Way!
And why is he "highlighting" these, according to him, the idiotic methods and procedures of the TSA? Does all this stem from the need for a more visible national platform? What are his real motivations?
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Updates and a Correction!
But, here is information about vacation accrual.
For years of employment 1-3 the maximum number of vacation days is 13.(plus 13 days)
For years 3 to 15 the maximum number of days is 20.(plus 13 days)
For 15 years and up the maximum is 26 days.(plus 13 days)
Maximum number of vacation days you can carry over is 30 and then it falls into a "use it or lose it" scenario.
(Each of these years also comes with 13 days of sick leave which can be used for illness, injury or medical appointments for you or a family member. We are getting shafted big time!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
A Clarification is Necessary!
We believe that the dollar value to provide security screening at SFO would be relatively the same, plus or minus 3%, regardless of who does the screening.
The biggest difference is, that under the TSA more of the funds that are getting siphoned off now by CAS would be channeled to the workforce through better benefits, shift differential, more paid holidays (12 versus the 10 we have now), a pension plan, a better quality uniform, shoes that we didn't get this year, sick leave, etc, etc, etc.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Mouth that keeps roaring and roaring!
We all know where he is getting this load of malarkey from and, just in case you don't know, it's coming from his "blood brother" Gerry L. Berry from Winter Springs, Florida.
Rep. Mica, how about not believing everything that comes out of Gee Bee's mouth?
To be fair, we think that on his own, Rep. Mica has some very valid criticisms of some of the policies and procedures of the TSA. (Just how is " behavior detection" not racial and religious profiling?)
Rep. Mica's repeated statements claiming that passenger screening could be done cheaper and better by private contractors is the biggest joke of all! For profit companies cannot be more efficient and effective than the TSA. Why? Because we all have to follow the TSA guidelines and procedures. The only benefit would be financial and would only line the pockets of upper management and the owners of these private contractors.
So, let's state the obvious once again. It's profits before product!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Now these are some eye popping numbers!
awarded at least $692 million in contracts since 2002, more than
twice as much as any other private-screening company, according
to a Bloomberg Government review of TSA contracts.
Covenant is based in Winter Springs, Florida, in Rep. John Mica’s
district. The congressman said Covenant’s location hasn’t
influenced his view.
Well, Mr. Mica, just how many employees work at the base office in Winter Springs, Florida? Would that number be just one? Do the initials Gee Bee help?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Have you ever wondered why....
A sick call out gets recorded as a ding against the company. The last number that we remember seeing have CAS stating that their attendance averages somewhere around 97%.
So, if 50 people call out, as either Kincare or FMLA, and there are no other call outs, CAS can then say that they have 100% perfect attendance.
As you have probably figured out by now, there is a cash incentive for having a high attendance ratio. When it comes to generating the most income, for a "for profit company", CAS will leave no stone unturned! This is a hole in the system that needs to be plugged. TSA, are you listening?
Monday, October 17, 2011
How about a shift bid that gives....
When will this company ever recognize, and appreciate, the contributions of the members of the workforce that have been here since the beginning? ( or, within 2 or 3 years from day one.)
Maybe it is too much to ask! Maybe this is beyond your capabilities?
Members of the workforce, what do you think? Shouldn't management show some sort of gratitude? We would like to hear from you. Tell us what you think. Your names will not be released.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The Value of the 5 year SFO contract is now....
The TSA and CAS agreed to an increase in the contract value and that, my friends, is why the long overdue promotions are finally being doled out.
Let's see, whom do we like for promotions? Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Suck ups, Friend of a friend, kissing cousins, card playing buddies.....did we leave anyone out?
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Just 2 weeks from the start of our new shifts,
In the past, some of our loyal supporters, have used the first day of the start of the new shift as a form of protest. Now, you ask, how do they do that? By calling out to voice their displeasure with a schedule that leaves a lot to be desired.
As always, do what you think is best! If you do happen to call out, we hope that you are smart enough to use Kincare or FMLA. (Sick days count as an occurrence.)
Friday, October 14, 2011
We need to do this at SFO!
Isn't our management team a class act? They are a disgrace!
FLSA Action Against Airport Security Co. Takes Off
By Daniel Wilson
Law360, New York (October 13, 2011, 6:10 PM ET) -- Workers for airport security company Covenant Aviation Security Corp., a U.S. Department of Homeland Security contractor, filed a class action Wednesday accusing the company and its president of federal and state labor law violations.The suit, in New York federal court, brings collective action claims for alleged violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and class action claims for alleged violations of New York Labor Law, stating workers were not paid for off-the-clock work, split or extended shift allowances, or overtime premium pay.
Virgilio Martinez, a...
Case Information
Case Title
Martinez v. Covenant Aviation Security Corporation et al
Nature of Suit
Case Number
Date Filed
October 12, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Phantom Job Postings and Interviews?
More than a few people have contacted us voicing unhappiness with this whole process. CAS just continues to do whatever they want whenever they want. And, where is the Human Resources Department? Who is looking out for those in the workforce who have not been given an opportunity to apply or interview?
Those of you who are feeling that you have had enough can file a complaint with the EEOC and, or, the NLRB.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Upcoming Promotions
How about announcing them prior to the new shift bid days? Give the people who might have an opportunity for a better schedule(because they moved up a few slots because of the promotions) a better chance.
This is an easy and painless way to show some appreciation for the workforce that has helped make this company what it is today! Show some good will.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
FirstLine Transportation wins their battle...
A judge has concluded that the TSA's award decision was fundamentally flawed and should be set aside.
Will there be a similar challenge for the contract awarded at SFO?
Read the full report at: (or start at page 71.)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Robbing Peter to pay Paul?
"Covenant has assigned all revenue to a third party at both SFO and Sioux Falls. (assignment of claims)
Monday, September 26, 2011
Your Bedtime Story!
(Figure out for yourselves just who "our heroes" are.)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
More Dirt on the TSA courtesy of Rep. John Mica
Of those 63,000 roughly 12,000 are making more than 105,000 dollars a year.
The breakdown is as follows: 3,800 employees at the Washington, D.C. office are making 105,000 bucks a year. 7,800 employees out in the field are also at that pay scale.
Not a bad country America. It truly is a land of opportunity!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
What ever happened to.....?
Management went through the motions and interviewed the usual suspects, but as usual they swept in under the rug. Well, don't give up! The Feds eventually did get the "Teflon Don." So, all you petitioners should stay hopeful.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Will they get the new shift bid schedules right?
Maybe they should admit defeat and realize that it is beyond their capabilities. Now, what is it that they can do right? Does anyone have any thoughts?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Correction on the CAS contract info
The actual terms of the contract are for a total of 5 years with the same 420 million dollar total value. It's a one year contract with renewable one year options for a total of 5 years. (84 million dollars per year.)
One would think that with a contract like this they would be able to supply us with new shoes!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
One Small Step For CAS!
So, a little more sugar is still flowing to CAS from this outpost in the wilderness.
Read the full story at:
Saturday, September 17, 2011
And the Testing Goes On and On!
We believe that this is a direct result of the calls from Rep. John Mica to privatize more airports and to reduce the size of the TSA. When push comes to shove, and the TSA is being shoved mighty hard, the TSA will be relentless in defending their turf. They are doing what any agency would do.
The sad part is that CAS management did not see this coming. They have failed to anticipate this kind of response from the TSA. And, therein lies the problem.
So, keep expecting to see more and more testing. Keep expecting it to continue with no end in sight.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Rep. John Mica- Preaching to the Choir
Sunday, September 11, 2011
In Memoriam
Friday, September 9, 2011
We are dropping like flies!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
"Take your time!"
Friday, September 2, 2011
The Absurdity of Airport Security
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Why is CAS pinching pennies?
What is with this," use your sampling traps until they fall apart" horse manure? For some reason CAS wants us to think that they are in dire straits when it comes to money.
According to a reliable source, CAS received a 4 year contract valued at 404 million dollars. And, on top of that, they received a bonus of 18.2 million dollars when they won the bid.
Is CAS funding other business interest? Is the ugly head of corporate greed rising up again? CAS is already screwing us far more than they should and they still want more?
No new shoes! No laundry service! No family medical coverage! Minimal staffing levels! And, the biggest injustice of all, no shift differential!
The TSA needs to stop turning a blind eye to the daily events at SFO.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
How to file a CA. Labor Law Complaint
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement - District offices
San Francisco--Headquarters
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 703-4810
here are the instructions on how to file plaint
Our CAS sisters and brothers, you must be feeling like you are on your own as CAS continue to intimidate you and "our beloved do nothing union" would do nothing about it as usual. We must fight back!
Just what is our wonderful union up to?
We all know that SEIU is one of the biggest contributors to the Democratic Party. We all know that President Obama needs all the help that he can get, especially now with members of his own Party not happy with him. So, what's a union to do? Why throw money and hope that he gets re-elected, of course!
So, the recent scare tactics, that SEIU is using and management is denying, is their attempt to get more of us to pay a full 1.8% instead of the 1.2% lower rate. According to them we need them more now than ever before. Yeah, right!
Have they done anything noteworthy in the last 8 plus years? They would like us to think that they have.
Don't be deceived by their telling us that the "sky is falling."
It's time that they do something first to show us that they are effectively representing our best interest.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Crunch time for the shoe policy!
Will CAS continue to try to intimidate the workforce into paying for a uniform item that they should pay for? Shoes are part of the uniform that should be bought and paid for by the company.
If you have already purchased your shoes save your receipts. This is a clear violation of California State Law. So far, our do nothing union has yet to take a stand. (Watch what this union is capable of.) If they don't act on behalf of the workforce we will.
Just so CAS knows that our hearts are in the right place we are willing to meet them half way. They can buy the shoes and we will buy are own black socks.
Why Now?
It's almost 9 full years, so why now?
Management has been conducting meetings with the rank and file and is stressing the importance of having everyone follow their work schedule. The unpredictability of Kincare and FMLA call outs has caused a negative impact on operations.
So, how does CAS management hope to remedy this situation? Their solution is to have our co-workers put pressure on those who have called out to not do it again. Management is concerned for those of us that have to carry the "extra" work load when there are call outs. (They don't want us to work harder than we have been.)
Has management suddenly found a heart and a conscience? You be the judge. What do you think?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Take your time!
As we are fast approaching the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, it is imperative that we use the utmost care when performing the screening process. Before you open any bag, whether it be at the checkpoint or in the baggage inspection rooms, carefully examine the image on the screen.
Your primary focus has to be, "is it safe for me to open this bag? Is there anything here that presents an obvious threat to me and to all those around me?"
For your own personal safety, and for the safety of your co-workers, take your time. If you have any doubts at all confer with a co-worker. Don't be distracted by anything else that may be going on around you.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Spending our money, Part 2
"d. Uniforms. If an employer requires that an employee wear a uniform, the employer must pay the cost of the uniform. Labor Code Section 2802,
Industrial Welfare Commission Orders, Section 9. The term "uniform" includes wearing apparel and accessories of distinctive design and color."
I am not a lawyer, but i think Covenant should cough up to pay the cost of our shoes and socks. How dare they are telling us which shoes to buy and over the ankle black/navy socks!
Did CAS management ever read the CA labor code at all?
Friday, July 29, 2011
Whose bright idea was it to....
Let's take a screener away from resolving alarms and have that person do the job of a baggage handler. That's a brilliant solution!
Management knows that screeners are paid slightly more than a baggage handler, right? Isn't this the reverse of cost cutting? Plus, the TSA is paying for screeners who will perform screening duties; they are not paying for screeners to act as baggage handlers.
This appears to be the same creative "smoke and mirrors" that CAS was using for our training room personnel. You remember, they had them on the books as front line employees and charged them to the TSA when their salaries should have been paid by CAS. Maybe they thought that no one would notice.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
CAS is now telling us how to spend our money!
They have a very selective memory when it comes to what constitutes uniform apparel. Shoes are part of the uniform. Money for our shoes is in the budget; unfortunately for us, they have found another use for it. And that use is to line their own pockets.
TSA, we are waiting for you to step in to show CAS the error of their ways.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Is CAS management getting the message?
The rank and file have chosen to express a level of unhappiness with recent decisions and have chosen to do so in a way that should alert management that there are problems to be solved. When bad decisions are made it affects us all. But bad decisions have become standard practice at CAS. The thought processes have never included considering the ramifications of a bad decision.
Oddly enough, operational needs have taken a back seat!
Management continues to negatively impact our ability to perform our duties effectively and efficiently. When will they recognize that providing a high level of security is our only product.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Just how long will CAS continue to violate our SOP?
CAS management, in an attempt to save even more money, is withholding the perfect attendance bonuses of the recently terminated baggage handlers. We don't think that CAS really wants to go there. If these baggage handlers meet the qualifications to merit that bonus they are entitled to it, even if they are no longer employed by CAS. Is, Gerald L. Berry of Winter Springs, Florida, behind all this? How low can CAS go?
Put this down as another perfect example of "employee appreciation."
Friday, July 22, 2011
Once again, it's all about security!
We will control the things that we can and should.
Staffing levels are the responsibility of our stellar management team and we will not be pressured to compensate for managerial shortcomings.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
So, what happens next?
What happens after Friday’s final day for the CTX baggage handlers? Who will match the bag id’s to the proper bag? Will it be the supervisors and leads? Who will take care of the reruns? Will the elimination of these positions result in an increase of work related injuries? Will it result in baggage missing flights?
It appears that management has not fully considered the negative impact of this decision
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Just What Makes CAS Info SSI?
How about the reminder that we have to hand-scan in and out?
We just fail to see how any of this can be SSI.
It appears that our wonderful management team is in a panic mode. Looks like the TSA has CAS looking over their collective shoulders. Doesn't this over reaction just show the quality of our top notch management team ? They certainly are a knowledgeable bunch!
Friday, July 15, 2011
No More Re-Training!
We would like to see something in print coming from the TSA headquarters outlining these changes. We would like to see that this applies to everyone, not just the private contractors.
Is this the TSA administrator's way of meeting the challenge of Rep. John Mica head on?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Honesty and Integrity are,,,
How could a company, such as CAS, dare to stress to us the importance of "Honesty and Integrity" when, to them, these are words without meaning. Has anyone seen anything from CAS management that even comes close to hinting that they know the meanings of these words?
Have they ever been honest with us? Have they ever shown us that they have any integrity at all? And, since we are going down this road, let's bring in "Teamwork."
Management has always had a "them versus us" attitude. It's impossible to have "teamwork" when there is no "team."
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Now They Are Willing To Listen!
Quite some time ago we posted a piece saying that we are here to help any way that we could. We spoke about how positive feedback and a pragmatic approach would help to make things better.
Our offer went unheeded!
Now, with the TSA under a barrage of assaults they are finally reaching out to the rank and file. They have finally come to realize that they had an unused valuable asset right under their noses.
Is this a little too late? Can this patient be saved?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
How do we protect ourselves?
With everything that the TSA has, and will, throw at us the next question should be, how do I protect myself from a loss of employment?
The simple answer is to follow the SOP 100% of the time!
Not sure, or don’t remember what you have read way back when? Tell your supervisor that you need and want to refresh your memory about the SOP procedures. Document when you told your supervisor and where you were. (Such as Pier B, Pier C, etc.) Have a witness who will be able to verify that this actually took place and jot down the time.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Another EEOC Link!
This walks you through the filing process.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
To those of you who have had enough of what you consider to be unfair treatment, we feel for you!
So, we have taken it upon ourselves to at least point you in the right direction in your desire to seek justice. Here is the address of the EEOC District Office. Good luck!
San Francisco District Office
Location: | 350 The Embarcadero Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94105-1260 |
Phone: | 1-800-669-4000 |
Fax: | 415-625-5609 |
TTY: | 1-800-669-6820 |
Director: | Michael Baldonado |
Regional Attorney: | William R. Tamayo |
Office Hours: | The San Francisco District Office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Walk-in services available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please call first to obtain information or schedule an appointment. |
Saturday, July 9, 2011
TSA on the Attack!
So, how does the TSA plan on doing this? The best and surest way is to prove that private contractors are not up to the task!
The upcoming audit is only the beginning. We will be bombarded with covert testing as they seek to prove that a private contractor provides an inferior product. If we fail, management will only place the blame on us.
We are only as good as our leadership. The time will soon be upon us when the missteps of management will be exposed. Gerry L. Berry of Winter Springs, Florida should bear the full weight of what is to come. His policies have made this company what it is today! The attitude of CAS is, "we will have this contract no matter what and we will do as we please." Hopefully, the chickens will come home to roost.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Union Dues!
The type that they hate is the limited membership and that is at a 1.2 percent. We know that most of the CTX community is paying 1.2 percent.
SEIU has been telling the baggage community that they really don't have a voice and in order to get a voice they need to become full 1.8 percent members. Just how dumb do they think they are? To our knowledge, no one in the baggage community is buying what they are selling.
Now, the question is, what have they done to deserve your 1.8 percent dues? Zilch, Nada, Squat!
The best way to show them that we are unhappy is to have more of us switch to the lower rate of 1.2 percent. We need to voice our displeasure more obviously and forcefully. It's easy to do, just call the EAC and tell them that you want to change.
Draw a line in the sand! Stop paying these 1.8 percent dues for such shabby treatment.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
As long as we continue to.....
How much longer do you think that the company can continue to violate the SOP? If they can somehow prove to the local TSA that there is no real need to promote what do you think they will do? These positions are already in the budget. We are sure that they will put this money to good use. Do you think that it will trickle down to us?
So, when you wonder why the company is no longer bumping people up to "acting" Lead look to yourself for the answer. You are only hurting yourself and are making promotional opportunities more scarce.
Stop stepping up without getting paid!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
We will continue until something gets done!
Columbia University's Head of Radiological Research, a Dr. David Brenner, states that the radiation produced by these body scanners is 20 times higher than the official estimate.
At what point will the TSA admit that there is a health risk? At what point will they start caring about the rank and file? At what point will they start caring about the public who are being scanned?
Isn't this where our wonderful union should start carrying our banner? And, for that matter, where is the union that won the right to represent the Federal TSO workforce?
Mr. John Gage, head of AFGE, which is the union that represents the federal workforce has been very silent. This issue should be a top priority for both of these unions!
Who is looking out for our well being?
Pull up a chair and read this article.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
More Cancer Concerns at Portland and Puerto Rico!
According to this article the TSA doesn't seem to care much either way. (Why are we not surprised?) As long as they can sit safely away from these machines why would they care about a health risk?
What safeguards would they have in place for themselves? Afford us the same peace of mind and safety precautions that they would want.
We think that the time is right for the TSA to issue dosimeter badges to all employees. It would show us that we are not expendable and that our concerns are your concerns.
Read the full article at :
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Heat In Da Kitchen Is Now Way Too Hot!
On June 24th, someone flying out of Boston's Logan Airport did so without having his i.d. properly checked and matched to his boarding ticket. He made a cross country trip to L.A. and an alert flight attendant suspected that something was wrong. The man was occupying a seat that should have been empty and, when questioned by the flight attendant, was unable to produced any valid boarding pass and seat assignment.
Rep. John Mica has all the ammo he needs; he must be tickled pink. Thank goodness for the end of June; July has to be better.
Here's the complete story!,0,3693004.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fnews+%28L.A.+Times+-+Top+News%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What do we hope to accomplish?
We have supplied you with information which we deem to be of high importance. A tremendous amount of time is spent gathering and reading this information before it is released to you.
Too many medical centers have cast more than a shade of a doubt about the information that has been released by the TSA. The government has a history of telling half truths, and, when it concerns us all, whom would you rather believe? The TSA or these professors and scientists?
The TSA statement that there is minimal risk is unacceptable, especially now when so many are speaking up about the safety of these body scanners.
Let your voice be heard! Send emails or letters to the TSA or to your elected officials demanding more complete and truthful information.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Cancer Warning- You need to read this!
Stay informed!
Monday, June 27, 2011
When will the Idiocy Stop?
Actions like this are impossible to justify. The TSA is just heading down the wrong path and a change is inevitable.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Rep. John Mica feels da pain!
Huh? It seems that he is totally and completely fooled by Mr. Gerry L. Berry of Winter Springs,Florida. If he wants an honest and frank opinion of the morale and working conditions here at SFO he will never get it from Mr. Berry.
Mr. Berry condones favoritism! He condones girlfriends promoting their boyfriends. He condones the promotion of people who don't meet the basic qualifications set forth in our job postings. Just look at the recently announced promotions for the SCC positions. All three of them have not been here the required one full year. Yet, our H.R. department looks the other way when they should be crying out that this is wrong!
(Also, isn't it amazing how quickly these promotions were filled and announced? Yet, the promotions for the Checkpoint and Baggage are still left unfilled. What are we missing here?)
Mr. Mica should just continue to focus on the bloated staffing levels at the TSA. He needs to do more "homework" before he makes a statement about feeling our pain and frustration. His solution is not a solution, it would only change the "warden."
Friday, June 24, 2011
Just More of the Same Ole Thing!
We urge you to seriously consider filing a complaint with either the EEOC or the NLRB. Use whichever agency that is most suited to deal with your issues. Age discrimination, gender bias, life style choices? Use the one that fits your situation.
The onus is on you to stand up and fight for fair treatment. We will help you as much as we can.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
What we will not be getting!
Let's translate, into dollars and cents, what this means to those who work between 1800 hrs and 0600 hrs. For the sake of argument let's say that it is a difference of 2 dollars an hour. Multiple that by the number of hours that you work. ( it will vary depending on your starting time.)
Now, here is the kicker, if one of those work days happens to be a Sunday tack on another 25% or, in our example, 5 dollars more per hour. So now, we are talking about an extra 7 bucks per hour. Do the math, how much is our not getting shift differential costing you? ( Per day, per week, per month, per year!)
This new CBA will be for 3 more years. Multiple all those numbers by 3! Figure out how much you are not getting and then tell us that it doesn't matter. It's time to get involved. Speak up and tell this union what we expect out of them.
If our "lack of bargaining" committee is not experienced enough to not sell us short they should bring in some more experienced negotiators.
SEIU has to show us that they are representing us well and that they are earning the dues that they so willing collect.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Are You Highly Favored?
You are 2 hours late for work. Again. Your superior:
a. writes you up.
b. rips you a new one.
c. sends you to see HR.
d. jokingly asks you not to do it again.
If the answer is d, you are one of the highly favored. Dena Crawford, we are looking at you. Again.
The Honeymoon is Over!
Initially, the changes that he had suggested seemed to be for the better. Well, he has now proven himself capable of "business as usual." Has there been any real positive changes at the TSA? Can anyone really say that the TSA has improved and has earned the trust of John and Jane Q. Public?
We have seen numerous and embarrassing missteps. We have seen, almost on a daily basis, the lack of moral fiber in a few "bad" apples amongst the TSA workforce. We have seen the constant complaints and the call for change at the TSA from the media. Has the TSA made any attempt to properly deal with these issues? What we have seen is the creation of new departments and the ever increasing staffing levels. To what end?
Monday, June 20, 2011
What do we take away from what happened in HNL?
We need to follow the SOP 100%! Do what we were hired to do and protect yourself from losing your job. Let's control the things that we can control. Staffing and scheduling issues are beyond our control; that's the responsibility of management.
As a private contractor in the TSA world we are watched more carefully, especially now since Rep. John Mica is pushing for drastic changes at the TSA.
"A word to the wise should be sufficient."
Sunday, June 19, 2011
A Father's Day Poem!
A Dad is a person
who is loving and kind,
And often he knows
what you have on your mind.
He's someone who listens,
suggests, and defends.
A dad can be one
of your very best friends!
He's proud of your triumphs,
but when things go wrong,
A dad can be patient
and helpful and strong
In all that you do,
a dad's love plays a part.
There's always a place for him
deep in your heart.
And each year that passes,
you're even more glad,
More grateful and proud
just to call him your dad!
Thank you, Dad...
for listening and caring,
for giving and sharing,
but, especially, for just being you!
Happy Father's Day
Friday, June 17, 2011
How much longer....
Congratulations to those that will be promoted. To those that didn't quite make it; our condolences. If you feel that you have been unjustly treated and discriminated against it behooves you to learn what options are available to you.
This link will give you some guidance if you are considering going this route.
Good luck!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A PiP is not an Occurence!
We will not, and cannot, go into details relating to the exact procedure that is causing a PiP to be issued. But, CAS needs to do the right thing by making sure that everyone becomes familiar with this procedure and they also need to educate the "newbies" as to their rights.
Intimidation is not the proper course of action! Let's not take advantage of those who are less informed.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Another Piece Added to the TSA Empire!
Tucked away in this press release from the TSA is an announcement about a "newly established Office of Professional Responsibility."
We are puzzled, what exactly does the Office of Personnel Management do? Should this not be part of their responsibility? Let's just create redundancies and a bigger empire. Let's just make sure that all of those in our bloated staffing pool have something to do.
(By the way, the unions vying for the right to represent the TSA workforce claim that there was too much pressure caused by an unbearable workload. So, that condition cause a security breach that was sanctioned by the FSD at HNL.)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Six college professors question the safety of body scanners!
The test results that were released by John Hopkins were results that were not from an actual working model of the body scanners. A letter sent to White House science adviser John Holden points out flaws in the test. Their letter also states that the released report was heavy redacted and that there is no way to repeat any of these measurements.
The TSA response was that allowing outside testing would result in exposing sensitive security information. So, information about a possible health hazard gets hidden in a shroud of secrecy all in the name of security? If it's dangerous let the public know! And for that matter, let those who are manning the equipment know what the real risks are.
Read the full story at:
Monday, June 13, 2011
Let's revisit the causes of this petition!
Food for thought! Let's suppose that the efforts of Rep. John Mica are successful and let's suppose that airports are allowed to "opt" out. What happens when, and if, CAS gets additional airports?
One has to believe that CAS would send some of us to these new locations to impart the "culture" of CAS. Should that imparted culture be laced with horror stories of low morale and shady back room deals? Isn't it better to have employees who feel that they are appreciated and well treated? Just think of the possibilities!
CAS has waited, and so have we, for this chance to expand. Why waste an opportunity to work with the workforce to improve our relationship? It's never too late! Let's do it.
A journey of 1,000 miles starts with a first step!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
It Didn't Take Long....
Nothing motivates a union more than the possible loss of dues paying members, or in this case, potential dues paying members. And, just how are they attempting to come to the rescue? Why, by reaching out to key members of the Democratic Party and crying foul!
The TSA has stated that this reduced budget, if it passes, will cause a reduction in numbers somewhere around 5,000. Now, one union is putting out a more dramatic number of 8,000. Let's sit back and watch these unions use scare tactics to make sure that this budget reduction doesn't pass.
The full story can be read at:
Saturday, June 11, 2011
A Line in the Sand!
What needs to be remembered, it seems, on a daily basis , is that we all have families and scheduling conflicts. Why not work with us as we attempt to balance our work schedules with our family and personal lives? Let's take the high road!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Lot "D" Anyone?
(We heard this several weeks ago from two of the bus drivers.)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
This time the "Empire" will not strike back!.
House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Rep. John Mica has reduced TSA's budget by 10 percent which amounts to 270 million dollars. It now must be approved by the Democratic Party controlled Senate before it reaches the desk of President Obama for a signature. Will SEIU open its purse strings once again?
According to the TSA, the plans of Mr. Mica would result in a reduction of 5,000 needed screeners. Maybe the TSA should reduced the number of the 3,700 personnel in Washington, D.C. who make, on average, 100,000 dollars per year. Let's have fewer chiefs and more Indians! How does the TSA justify the current ratio between managers and screeners?
Whether or not the TSA can successfully protect its turf, for the moment, depends on the outcome in the Senate. Is there a dark helmet in the house?
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
One Year Anniversary
The public and private support we have received in that year's time is what has encouraged us to keep going. Hopefully that support will continue. As long as it does, this blog will remain. The most important thing is that all of you remain informed. We have seen that those in the know will not keep you informed.
It's imperative that we all keep our eyes and ears at attention and keep the information flowing. One of Covenant Aviation Security's ongoing tactics is attempting to keep the work force in the dark as much as possible. The only way to counteract that is by getting the necessary information and releasing it to the open.
While some of our commentary can be a bit biting, remember it is our attempt to get all of you outraged with how CAS treats and disrespects us. If we all sit idly by, CAS will continue doing what they have been doing.
So happy anniversary to us, to you, and to everyone that supports us!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
It is very important.....
So, if your new RDO schedule has you off Sunday, Monday and Tuesday management hopes that you not use Kincare and take this coming Saturday off. Everyone has to do their part to help the brain trust in scheduling far exceed their capabilities.
Show your team spirit!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Your Six Minute Window of Opportunity.....
We still think that not allowing any advanced bidding is a bit too much, even though we are accustomed to shabby treatment. This is just another example of the company's version of how to display "Employee Appreciation."
And, as usual, our wonderful union has done what they do best: Nothing!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
We know that at times it seems like a thankless job, but it's not. We sons and daughters do appreciate your contribution in ways that, in time, will become more obvious and pronounced.
So, Mom's, enjoy this very fine day, you deserve it.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
The Case of the Missing Water Cooler!
Hats off to those who were responsible enough to make the needs of the work force a priority.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Is CAS planning on eliminating LTSO's ?
Is this an attempt by CAS management to impress TSA? Is this what Rep. John Mica is referring to when he said that the private sector has been a leader in security innovations? Or, is the head of corporate greed rearing up again?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Will They have it done....
With all the staffing movement that will take place on the 14th why not strive for consistency? Why not have everyone just move once, at the start of the new schedule, instead of changing Supervisors and Leads afterward? We should be able to get it right after 8 plus years!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Your Thoughts on SEIU!
Do you feel that they have earned the money that we pay in dues? What do you feel they have done for us? And, what would you like to see them do?
It's time to evaluate SEIU for better or for worse. We would use your input to explore our possible alternative options if it comes to that.
Every comment submitted to us will be kept confidential and no names will be used.
We are here to help deal with the issues that affect us all.
What's going on?
Is it too much for the company to deal with? Shouldn't a company that touts "Team Work" make it easier for the workforce to apply for PTO? CAS has yet to show us that they value the contribution and dedication of the workforce.
How about showing the workforce some "Employee Appreciation" not just with hot-dogs, chips and soda one day a year. How about making it an everyday occurrence?
Friday, April 29, 2011
Business As Usual!
From the information that was supplied to us, these people are on levels and are management favorites.
When, if ever, will CAS change their ways? We keep hoping that this company will start doing the right thing. But, it doesn't appear to be part of the corporate culture. The sad thing is that it starts at the top.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Employee Appreciation Day Starts Tomorrow!
With the number of promotions that will be announced "after" the bidding takes place there is the possibility that your seniority number would have been bumped up.
Being bumped up one or two slots would have allowed you to get the schedule that you want for the next six months! Once again management has stuck it to the workforce.
So, when thinking of how the company shows their appreciation to the workforce, think about how you missed getting what you want by one slot.
Oh, we almost forgot! What is our wonderful union doing about this?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The Case of the Missing SOPs
So what is the deal with the missing SOPs? It turns out that TSA HQ wants airports to lock down the access to SOPs and want a daily accounting of those SOPs. Being the good bureaucrat that Ed Gomez is, and don't let his grandfatherly facade fool you otherwise, he had to deal with this order from his bosses. Instead of making use of the several hundreds of thousands of tax payers' dollars that are spent every year on those TSA suits by giving them something to do, he opted to have them removed from all of the locations. Now that those books are in one central location, it's very easy to have a daily accounting for the SOPs. Simple, yes?
The next time you or or your STSO have a question about SOP and can not easily get an answer, you know who to blame.
We have been asked to explain....
Some of our earlier postings outlined the position of Mr. Mica, and even highlighted and challenged his statement saying," “I have also asked GAO to continue to review what other factors gave the all-government model a cost advantage. It is my intent to make certain that TSA cannot arbitrarily deny any future application from an airport to participate in the private screening program. “I am confident that the private sector can not only perform better, but do so at a lower cost to the taxpayers.”
It is very obvious that he is using SFO in his comparisons to the TSA workforce. Or, do any of you really think that he is using any of the other 15?
Mica also stated, "Nearly every positive security innovation since the beginning of TSA has come from the contractor screening program. I intend to launch a full investigation and review of this matter."
Once again we challenged that statement and asked for proof of the "positive security innovations" that came from us or any of the other 15.
We are still waiting for evidence that Mr. John L. Mica must produced to back up these statements.
A letter sent out by TSA to one of you, asking why TSA has not federalized SFO, generated, almost word for word, the exact position of John Mica. "Administrator Pistole affirmed that the current airports participating in SPP remain a valuable resource to be utilized as a comparison between private and Federal screening operations, as well as a tool to generate innovation in operations."
Notice how quiet Mr. John L. Mica has been after CAS was awarded a new 5 year contract?
The power of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, The San Francisco Airport Commission and, let us not forget, the substantial contributions to re-election campaigns that SEIU made, and will continue to make, to the Democratic Party.
Money and influence pedaling at its best!
It's not about doing the right thing and it never has been. It's about special interest groups with special agendas. When will someone stand up and put the safety of the flying public first and foremost?
Friday, April 22, 2011
Will anyone ever review the bid lines?
And where is our wonderful union? Shouldn't they be dealing with this ? Exactly what is it that they do for us? Oh, that's right, they are too busy making campaign contributions, attending fundraisers and making backroom deals.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Can I Get Some Help Here?!
This is the dilemma that presents itself to the training department each and every day. A department that has four managers to manage six trainers. Yes, I know. They theoretically manage the "training" of the work force.
As we reported last summer, Dena Crawford found a solution to this problem. So what do the others do?
Well, when Allen Morse isn't busy failing people for CORRECTLY following the SOP on their PSEs, he's busy working on his church activities.
Omar Capulong moonlights as a realtor, except that moonlighting happens during the day and at work.
When Ryan Yee isn't busy doing, wait, he's never busy! Ok, so when he doesn't have his door opened, he's busy working on his Nerdboy TV website. And if he's really desperate to fill the hours, he makes instructional videos that he hocks on Amazon on how to use a freaking web service!
Now you might suggest that Yee does most or a lot of this at home. As anyone that has worked on projects such as making a video or maintaining a website or podcasts or a very active Twitter account, these things require A LOT of time. These activities are not something you can easily squeeze in between your family time and days off. But hey, maybe there's some reason he keeps his door closed all the time.
As we have stated before, if these high paid individuals have this much free time on their hands at work, then it's time to clean house and become a little less wasting of taxpayers' dollars. Jeff Pugh, if you're reading this, it might be time to put some fear into the heads of those bigwigs in the training department.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Does anyone else wonder aside from us?
Just what makes "The Mouth that Roared" so pro private contractor? It can't be just campaign contributions, can it? Compromising photos? What's the skinny? And just why did Administrator Pistole cave in? Was he just trying to save his TSA empire?
We shall see what we can dig up and keep you posted.
This might just make for interesting reading.
Stay tuned!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Welcome to Our New Director of Strategic Planning
Oh silly me! That's right. There never was a "Director of Strategic Planning." Perhaps that's the type of job position that you have to create in order to lure someone back. After all, it's not as though you could terminate one of your untouchable management members. Wait, I guess I shouldn't tell that to Rick Tolentino.
Ok, enough with the teasing. If you don't know already, you're probably wondering just who is this "Director of Strategic Planning." It's none other than...drum roll please.........Jeff Pugh!!! As we have said many times before, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Pugh is already making his presence known by instituting a new punishment...err..rule to our dignified team members that wear the yellow lanyards. Perhaps the termination...dammit...I meant "resignation" of Tolentino, was another way to make his presence known and put a little fear into the other managers. If that is the case, more power to Pugh. God knows these managers with virtual invincibility, need a little bit of fear put into them.
Since the "Director of Strategic Planning" is a member of the executive staff, I guess that means that Pugh usurps Herr Filbert's authority. Now, if Pugh really wants to make his presence known, he could do a lot worse than getting rid of Filbert, Terence Cunningham, Shelley Burrell (ahh, never mind on that one. We all know that will never happen!), Larry Perkins, Russ Mackey, Gerardo Sanchez, Anthony Nguyen, Ryan Yee, Dena Crawford, Allen Morse, Indra Singh, have I forgotten anyone?
Now that Pugh is back, will he be insistent on DFOs? Speaking of DFOs, how do those schedules look for all of you? It kind of sucks knowing that people at checkpoint with less than two years on the job were able to get Fri, Sat, Sun off. I fully admit it was a mistake for any of you guys to stay DFO. Oh well, live and learn. You could always complain to your union rep. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
It should be interesting to see what changes Pugh will make. The big question is what exactly does that title mean? Will he be doing more of the same thing he was doing, prior to his previous departure, except with a fancier title and presumably higher salary? If that is the case, then that raises the next question as to why would they insist on keeping Herr Filbert around? Only time will tell.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Nothing but the Best
So why is it that when issues or problems arise, we are always punished or forced to do more than what is required? Let us count the ways: When people failed hand wand tests, instead of addressing the issue or individuals head on, Ryan Yee's training department response was simply to make us do additional steps in the hand wand regardless if it was required. When people failed certain X-ray tests, we were forced to do across the board bag checks on bags that had certain item/s in the bag. Or not being allowed to do pat downs below the waist while at the walk-through, even though it is allowed by the SOP. Now the latest is TDC. Because individuals failed tests, we now have to do 100 additional steps (ok, I know, an exaggeration) that are not required by the SOP. And we're once again being punished by having our STOOLS taken away! The logic behind it is well, it makes for better security, right? Ehhh...who cares if it really does? Just as long as we can show TSA that we did something, everything's all good!
This is another perfect example of what a bureaucratic paper pusher that Yee is. He doesn't care about addressing real issues and finding real solutions. All that matters is that he does something to address it. And of course, local TSA is complicit in all of this as they don't really care either just as long as TSA HQ is satisfied. Naturally, the argument to all of these additional steps/punishments will always be, "It's going above and beyond. That is better security!" Sure, go above and beyond by doing additional steps that aren't proven to be better security while focusing our collective attentions on unnecessary procedures when we could be missing real potential threats. I guess we really didn't learn anything from Engage!
Anyone that has flown out of a TSA airport will regularly see their TDC Officers sitting at comfortable chairs with a FIXED light, while we have to stand and often use faulty/inferior hand held lights. Just how does that make for better security?
With all of these additional, unnecessary requirements at checkpoint, there really is no wonder why so many DFOs decided to jump ship and go baggage, regardless of what their seniority would be (yes, there were a number that went checkpoint, but mostly because of seniority).
And where is SEIU? They allowed the company get away with being in violation of the CBA fo how long, even though it explicitly requires the company have chairs for us at TDC.
So now once again we suffer. SFO Airport commission gets their kickback. Local TSA doesn't have to deal with the day-to-day operations. SEIU continues to collect our dues, and Covenant Aviation Security laughs all the way to the bank while everyone else turns a blind eye.5.3 Employee Seating
The employer shall supply chairs for X-Ray machine operators as consistent with all safety, health and other regulatory requirements. Chairs shall be supplied for exit monitors during non-operational hours, or when employees are required to be at exits for 30 minutes or more during operational hours and as consistent with all safety, health and other regulatory requirements. TDC personnel shall be supplied with access to chairs during non-peak hours, or when employees are required to be at TDC position for 30 minutes or more and as consistent with all safety, health and other regulatory requirements.
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Silence is Deafening!
How many times has he been quoted extolling the value of private contractors in providing airport security? Yeah, the 16 airports that are part of the SPP are a shining example of the best that money can buy. Let's see, Tupelo, MS., Jackson Hole, WY., Sioux Falls, S.D. are just a few of the shining examples.
We all know that his main target was SFO on behalf of his blood brother Gerry Berry of Winter Springs, Fla.
So, was SFO the payment to get him to stop his onslaught? Or, will he help blood brother Gerry get more airports by continuing his campaign? We are certainly surprised, but not shocked, that TSA caved in. To be continued.....
Monday, April 4, 2011
A Lesson that was never learned!
Maybe they have figured out a way to prevent that from happening. We are sure that they have, why else would they be foolish enough to go down this road again?
By the way, the village is calling, they need you back!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Congratulations Covenant Aviation Security!
Listen, there are a lot of shenanigans going on. Local TSA loves CAS because they do what they tell them without question. Plus, it's a lot less work for Local TSA to have to deal with. SFO airport commission loves them because CAS gives a kickback to the airport commission for agreeing to keep them there. And local government is probably ok with CAS because we're "protected" by one of the most beloved unions in the nation. More union dues collected for us means more political contributions to the incumbent politicians.
This is why none of us really should be surprised. And let's not forget that TSA won't necessarily be the great panacea that many of us are looking to. A lot of those TSA suits came from CAS. Anyway, I want to focus on a couple things that I found more interesting about this "announcement."
The first thing that jumped out at me about this "announcement" is that it was an email sent to supervisors. You might think that this would be joyous news. Why wasn't there a company wide announcement about it? Why wasn't it announced in the CAS Info?
The other thing that caught my attention in the email sent from Donnie Filbert to the supervisors was that he did not say how long the contract was renewed for. 3 years? 2 years? 1 year? 1 month??? Once again, if they had gotten a long term contract renewal, that would be something you'd want to shout about from the roof tops. So this can only lead me to believe that it was a short term contract renewal. How short exactly is anyone's guess. My uneducated guess would be a year or less.
And the last thing that I have found out is most telling. There is NO mention whatsoever in news reports about this contract renewal. With all of the heat and public attention that TSA has been getting as of late, it seems like this would be mentioned somewhere. If you can find anything, please let us know.
You can choose to read into any of this information however you please. But this is once again another example of CAS trying to keep things private away from us peons.
Our wonderful union is at it again!
They don't want most of us to know that we should have shift differential. They don't want us to know about the true pay scales that we should be at. They don't want us to know that we should have family medical coverage, not just us plus one, at no cost to us. They don't want us to know how much they have shortchanged us.
Well, SEIU, it is too late! We know more than you want us to know. It is way past the time for a change.
It just doesn't hold up!
Is this decision one that was made by local TSA? Or, is it coming from TSA headquarters? Either way it is very controversial.
We shall attempt to get an acceptable explanation, or at least one that bears up under scrutiny.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Iron Man Striketh
Of course, it is company policy that men be clean shaven unless exempt for the above stated reasons. Now if we're going to be honest, many men probably are taking advantage of this loophole. Be that as it may, if ya got a note they have to let it be.
Not content with this, Gerardo Sanchez is personally going after men with facial hair, now stating that it has to be a full beard or nothing. I suppose if you have a note being very specific about the facial hair as to what and how much you need to grow that this might be an issue for you. But what if your note isn't specific? What if all it states is that you need to be allowed to grow facial hair? To my uneducated brain, it seems that if the company continues this line of harassment with employees that they could be asking for a law suit. We're waiting in hopeless anticipation for the union to respond to this.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Just where do we fit in?
So, once again, we are left out. Once again the safety of the American public is of secondary importance. We are left to fend for ourselves because we are not "really" TSA.
Then, why is CAS still here? Is our security clearance not at the same level as our TSA counterparts? Are we not trustworthy? What are we missing here?
We need to have the same tools and information as our TSA counterparts. We are not expendable and, for that matter, the safety of the American public flying out of SFO should not be of secondary importance. Why has TSA not done what should have been done a long time ago? I guess it must be pure politics at its best!
A Little Bit of Explanation Please!
So there's no wonder the furor that is generated when a scheduling pleb sends out an email stating a company change in policy in regards to scanning in early and scanning out late. Really?! Does management not have any brains? Wait, sorry, I forgot who I was talking about.
According to CBA section 1, article 11 it states:
The Employer shall notify the Union Stewards and the Union at least thirty (30) days prior to implementing any new written policies or procedures affecting employees covered under this Agreement, including changes in the Employee Handbook.
Remember this folks, much of what management attempts to do is merely scare tactics. They bank on your ignorance of your rights, the laws, and the CBA.
Now there does happen to be a good reason for the panic attack from scheduling in regard to the scanning in early and scanning out late issue. Apparently CAS is looking to get rid of the B sheet and going back to the hand scans for payroll. If we all clock in too early there will be discrepancies with authorized or unauthorized overtime. See, now was that so difficult CAS?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
March Craziness
What was originally supposed to be only for Officers that scored 100% on their PSEs, has now been opened to people that have not.
The question that should be asked is why is this? Why doesn't everybody that is qualified want to participate? Perhaps it's because we see it for what it is? That it's merely a photo-op for management?
Listen, don't allow your disgust with management prevent you from making a few extra bucks. After all, how difficult could a WORD SEARCH be???
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Rep. John Mica is at it again!
The GAO issued a report years ago, using data gathered over a four year period and concluded that it was only 7 to 9 percent higher. The GAO compared us to an airport that was comparable in size in order to get a accurate picture. (That airport was Logan Airport in Boston.)
Now, amazingly, a new report has come out stating that it is only 3 percent higher and Rep. John Mica has stated that his main concern is the safety of the American public. He goes on to say, "I'll spend any amount of money to make sure the country is safe or passengers are safe or the airline industry is safe. But what I want is the best performance."
What is he using as the measuring stick for best performance? Since 15 of the 16 airports in the SPP are regional which airports are they being compared to? What safety improvements have the other 15 come up with? For that matter, what have we? Those small airports do not have 24 hour operations, so, we all know that this is really about us and his connection to Mr. Gerry L. Berry of Winter Springs, Florida.
Read the complete story at:
TSA, Is there something that you don't want us to know?
Why has TSA waited so long to release this information? This information is of vital importance to those of us that are manning these machines, we are at risk! This behavior is totally unacceptable and inexcusable.
Wednesday the 16th, a House oversight subcommittee will hold hearings regarding the TSA oversight of the full body scanners.
Read the full story here at:
"The Case of the Missing Shoes"
Friday, March 11, 2011
The Settling of the Dust
How could they not have anticipated that they would need to start the new bid around the time of the opening of T2? Their attempted solution of getting volunteers, with perfect attendance mind you, didn't pan out. Management was going to try and show their best employees when T2 opened, yet that backfired on them. It's not really hard to figure this stuff out. Oh, I don't know, you tell an employee you want them to volunteer for the T2 opening, and then either give them a less desirable schedule or leave them hanging on what their schedule will be. Who wouldn't want to sign up for that?
Now, there are numerous people that had made plans for the month of April based on their current schedule and the company gives them a big FU! Not that that is really different from any other time.
What we need to be asking is where is our union in all of this? Why haven't we heard from them on this issue? We need them to be front and center on this. And we need them to be earning our dues. Address the work force and make this company stop with this nonsense.
I love beating a dead horse, so let me keep it going: When will management be held responsible for their constant screw ups? If Covenant Aviation Security were run like a true for-profit company, most of these managers would have been sent to the unemployment line ages ago. So for the umpteenth time, let's ask the age old question once again: What does a manager have to do in order to be terminated?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
New Web Site for Us
Anyway, check it out here:
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Old is New Again
What will this all mean for us? Who knows, as Covenant Aviation Security is being mum on the whole issue. Is this a temporary visit? Is he going to regain his position as top dog at SFO...oh wait, he'll have to battle Mindy Pengel for that position! Anyway, keep the reports coming in.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
This will only effect the checkpoint TSOs and LTSOs. If you're a checkpoint TSO or LTSO, your summer bid will begin o
n April 9th, instead of the originally planned date of May 14th. The bulletin doesn't specify information on the other classifications.
The important dates are as follows:
March 15: Seniority rosters posted in Ascent.
March 17: EEs on workers comp or HR leave must be returned to duty.
March 18: Final seniority list and bid times posted in Ascent.
March 19: Bid lines will be posted in Ascent.
March 26: Summer shift bid will be conducted in EAC.
April 9: Summer shift bid will go into effect.
So this is good news if you were unhappy about the schedule that you received for this current bid. If not, well you know how management feels about that.
