Thursday, September 2, 2010

Can I have a pair of diamond ear rings with that bracelet?

What's a manager to do with too much time on their hands? Some would go to the SCC and randomly pick checkpoints to see if they can find anyone doing anything they shouldn't be doing. Others may choose to play Hearts or Spades or surf the net. Perhaps they would just make a run to the Tanforan mall to pick up a new pair of shoes.

Well, that's the dilemma that faces Dena Crawford on a daily basis. Since she has so little to do, after all, there are only four managers in the training department, she has decided to start a home business. Oh wait, not a home business, but a home business ran at work.

Crawford openly solicits people whenever they go to the training lab to buy jewelry. If that isn't enough she's using trainers in the lab to help her. How, you might ask? She is having trainers run down to the checkpoint to tap people out specifically so they can go to the lab to complete a transaction.

How is it that Ryan Yee has been allowing this to happen all this time? Why does he continue to protect the ineptitude of this manager? Mindy Pengel might be wise to have IT pull Crawford's email records to see if she's using company email to help run the business as well. Hell, if Crawford has the cojones to send trainers to do her work, then it wouldn't be any surprise that she's using company email. After all, her buddy Yee will protect her to the death.

Must we state the obvious? Ok, we will! This manager is making anywhere from $75K to 90K a year. She gets parking privileges at Terminal 3, just like all the other managers. She has a cushy job that rarely does she ever have to work past 6PM. Yet she can't find enough in her day to fill the hours? How about creating some adequate training initiatives for the work force? Let us not forget as well, that indirectly, she is being paid by all of our tax dollars! We're PAYING her to run her own business while she's on the public dollar. If she is that incapable of finding 8 or 9 hours of productive work to do in a day, then we think it's time that she be terminated. Because, it's obvious that her position is not needed.


  1. and no CAS employee discount?
    I don't really know why we have a training department that does not conduct training regularly. CAS uses OLC has their sole training tools, SCC made the sked for people to go training lab to do certification tests. If you want to forget your password for OLC or Desktop and want to reset it? They hand you a telephone and you are told to call yourself. Heck, even BAOs conduct more and useful trainings than training lab. Dena Crawford's job there is to make sure you sign in and out at manager's pay grade.

  2. Realize, there are only 8 trainers who are responsible for training that covers what...600-700 officers? So while you might not get regular individual training attention, believe me trainers train regularly.

    Granted training managers don't "train".

    Why would anyone "want to forget your password"? When someone from the training lab hands you a phone to make a call to reset the password you forgot, it's because TSA will only take the call from the account holder.

    And while BAOs do an excellent job, they only train IEDs.
