Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We will continue until something gets done!

The health warns keep coming out from more and more sources.

Columbia University's Head of Radiological Research, a Dr. David Brenner, states that the radiation produced by these body scanners is 20 times higher than the official estimate.

At what point will the TSA admit that there is a health risk? At what point will they start caring about the rank and file? At what point will they start caring about the public who are being scanned?

Isn't this where our wonderful union should start carrying our banner? And, for that matter, where is the union that won the right to represent the Federal TSO workforce?

Mr. John Gage, head of AFGE, which is the union that represents the federal workforce has been very silent. This issue should be a top priority for both of these unions!

Who is looking out for our well being?

Pull up a chair and read this article.


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