Wednesday, July 3, 2013

To what degree will the managerial shortcomings of CAS become obvious his week?

The combination of the BART strike and the staffing shortages should completely overwhelm the capabilities of our stellar management team. One of these two difficulties is beyond our control. The other is self-induced. With staffing levels being what they are, one can only hope that everyone reports for duty.

CAS has found it fit to block out any and all requests for personal time off in order to maximize their profit. How else can they make this style of management work?

Once again it shows a total disregard for the wants and needs of the workforce. Once again it shows that their only motivation is to generate the maximum amount of profit, at the expense of the workforce and their families.

One can infer that this would result in an inferior level of service, which would once again negatively impact the stakeholders. When will the stakeholders get the type of service that they deserve?

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