Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why Have We Come To This Point?

Just what has made the relationship between the workforce and management so hostile?

How about some of these reasons!

Has CAS ever shown a modicum of concern about the issues that are important to us?

The petition that the baggage supervisors, signed and submitted to management had absolutely no impact. An attempt to alert management to an on going problem fell on deaf ears. Management looked into the issue and determined that there was no need for a change. Unfortunately, that was not how those sups felt. Management was once again unresponsive as always.

When they shake our hands and pat us on the back, has there ever been any sincerity? When they unfairly promote their buddies, girlfriends and boyfriends over other applicants what message do they think they are sending?

When they bend the rules to promote people who haven't been here long enough to even qualify, do they even care? It's just business as usual.

When they promote a part timer, who has been here less than a year, to a Lead position, what does that tell the rest of us?

We have families that count on us, but that is no concern of yours, is it? Do you think that no one is watching? It's your arrogance that we find so disturbing! You feel that you can do whatever you what because there is no way you are going to lose this contract.

So, what type of worker does CAS cultivate? How about someone who is here just for a paycheck and doesn't give a hoot about the "mission."

Shall we take our cues from management; should we be here just for the money?

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