Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another Piece Added to the TSA Empire!

One has to look closely at the press release, from the TSA, concerning the investigation and firings that took place at Honolulu International Airport (HNL) to notice a new entity. (You can read about the causes and the outcome by following this link.)

Tucked away in this press release from the TSA is an announcement about a "newly established Office of Professional Responsibility."

We are puzzled, what exactly does the Office of Personnel Management do? Should this not be part of their responsibility? Let's just create redundancies and a bigger empire. Let's just make sure that all of those in our bloated staffing pool have something to do.

(By the way, the unions vying for the right to represent the TSA workforce claim that there was too much pressure caused by an unbearable workload. So, that condition cause a security breach that was sanctioned by the FSD at HNL.)

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