Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Can I Get Some Help Here?!

Suppose you're one of many managers in a small department. There's only so much to do in a day. Suppose you also have a lot of underlings to take care of many of your own duties.

This is the dilemma that presents itself to the training department each and every day. A department that has four managers to manage six trainers. Yes, I know. They theoretically manage the "training" of the work force.

As we reported last summer, Dena Crawford found a solution to this problem. So what do the others do?

Well, when Allen Morse isn't busy failing people for CORRECTLY following the SOP on their PSEs, he's busy working on his church activities.

Omar Capulong moonlights as a realtor, except that moonlighting happens during the day and at work.

When Ryan Yee isn't busy doing, wait, he's never busy! Ok, so when he doesn't have his door opened, he's busy working on his Nerdboy TV website. And if he's really desperate to fill the hours, he makes instructional videos that he hocks on Amazon on how to use a freaking web service!

Now you might suggest that Yee does most or a lot of this at home. As anyone that has worked on projects such as making a video or maintaining a website or podcasts or a very active Twitter account, these things require A LOT of time. These activities are not something you can easily squeeze in between your family time and days off. But hey, maybe there's some reason he keeps his door closed all the time.

As we have stated before, if these high paid individuals have this much free time on their hands at work, then it's time to clean house and become a little less wasting of taxpayers' dollars. Jeff Pugh, if you're reading this, it might be time to put some fear into the heads of those bigwigs in the training department.

1 comment:

  1. Agree!
    Why the heck do we need that much staffing at training lab? Since OLC does 99% of all the training in SFO anyways. If Jeff Pugh & Gerry Berry wants bigger bonus next year, they'll know what they do.
