Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Couple news items

We're getting word that the announcement for CTX STSO is happening this week. We guess they were waiting for Gerardo Sanchez to come back from his sabbatical. We haven't heard anything definitive about the PAX STSO promotions yet. Perhaps they're getting ready to announce that as well.

And it seems as though DFOs are in fact DOA. The word around town is that DFOs are officially capped out and that the prospect of hiring CTX TSOs is an ultimate reality.

It seems that Covenant Aviation Security has forced themselves to do this since staffing is at a precarious level in the bag rooms and over time doesn't seem to be covering the gaps. This holds true with the recent announcement that 9000 Specialists are once again allowed to do over time, but only if DFOs or CTX TSOs do not take that over time slot.

Sanchez has also been spotted in bag rooms doing work there instead of in his office in the BSR. Perhaps he's avoiding those folks due to the recent HR investigation?

No word yet on the Checkpoint Lead interviews either. We'll keep you abreast of the situation as we hear more.

1 comment:

  1. How long can CAS keep that "liability" around?
    Will CAS ever admit DFOs project is a failure and hire dedicated full ctx officers? That would creat a new set of problems as I am sure most of the DFOs want to be dedicated baggage officers. The issues would be senority, pay... That would be a mess.
