Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jeff Pugh Sighting

Apparently, Jeff Pugh was sighted at SFO on Friday, June 4, even making his way to the BSR. No one seems to know exactly why he was there. The most logical and realistic theory is that he was there to help in the negotiations for the contract with TSA. 

Of course, we here at Security First @ SFO have our own delicious theory. Keep in mind, that there is no factual information to base this on. It's pure conjecture. But wouldn't it be interesting if Pugh left to form his own company to try and take over the contract from Covenant? Who knows! If this were actually the case, it could be good or bad for us.

On another note, according to one DFO (Dual Function Officer, they're not DFS!), the time away was good for him. He apparently has lost a bit of weight and sporting a goat-tee. 

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