Sunday, July 15, 2012

The "Plank" Owners' Reward!- Part Two

These offers are so insulting that they cannot go unanswered.

Incoming CAS president, Mike Bolles, has submitted an offer to the bargaining committee that he hopes to have accepted and in place by the beginning of August.  Of course he does!  His hope is to fast track this quickly enough to prevent it from being taken apart.  Well, it's too late!

One of the "insults" is an offer of 21 days PTO and 4 days of accrued sick time.  We know for a fact that the TSA workforce gets 12 hours of PTO and 8 hours of sick time every month.  We also know that Kin Care call outs are based on the number of accrued sick days.  Bolles' plan will result in an excused Kin Care of only two days per year instead of the 6 days that we should have.  ( half of 96 hours per year.)

"Plank Owners" are being asked to accept a total of 200 hours per year instead of 250.9. 

CAS has placed a 50 dollar per year value for a grand total equaling a 500 dollar one time bonus to the Plank Owners.  Each additional year beyond 10 years results in no bonus at all!

So, let's see.  They want Plank Owners to "give" back 50 hours of the PTO that they have waited 10 years for.  This would result in a roughly 1000 dollar hit to each and every one of them.  Oh, but don't worry, they will give you back half of what you are asked to give up so the hit will only be 500 dollars for year 10.  Each and every year after that will result in the full 1000 dollar give back.

The benefit package as a whole is very insulting and it would take too long to list our objections.  Suffice it to say that, "we are not amused."

One more thing before we end this posting.

Is this what Rep. John Mica means when he touts the cost efficiencies and benefits of a private contractor versus the TSA workforce?  Is this what he means when he says that the workforce has more incentive to perform better?  Just how does he formulate these beliefs?  It is all based on lies!

When a company is only focusing on generating as much profit as possible someone has to suffer. 

We will admit that a private contractor does beat the TSA in one aspect, they have really mastered the art of sticking it to their employees!

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