Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can you read between the lines?

Messrs. Gerry L. and Uncle Mike, just how many emails do you think will go out from us? You have to be kidding! What does the posting of your letters on the very same day that they came out tell you? There is more to this movement than meets the eye. Management has ticked off too many people. We plan to do all that we can to put an end to this private contractor gravy train.

Management had their chance, over the preceding years, to do the right thing and you have failed badly! Think about how this never would have happened if you had shown us some respect, appreciation and concern for the issues that are important to us. You never thought for a moment about our families or loved ones. You have shown that you could not care less about us, it was a take it or leave it attitude.

Even a dog knows the difference between being bumped into and being kicked. We have been kicked for the last time.

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