Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pier B Fiasco

One of the challenges that a manager has is knowing what to do when a crisis happens. How to respond and knowing what actions to take. Well cue Terminal Manager Mr. Anthony Nguyen.

Apparently the WTMD on lane 6 and 7 went down. So what was Mr. Nguyen's brilliant move? Close lane 6 and 7? Nah! That's too easy! Come on, think harder! Oh I know! Keep lanes 6 and 7 open and have every single passenger that goes through receive a full body pat down!

According to a PAX STSO, Pier B achieved record wait times of 50 minutes!!! Hey, never question the logic of Covenant management! After 2 hours of this I guess they finally concluded that this wasn't the best use of manpower. Well, duh!!

And if that wasn't enough, Mr. Nguyen even had time to threaten a TSO today. Nguyen had a problem with a male TSO's hair length. The hair length was in violation of the dress code. So instead of simply telling the TSO to tie his hair in a ponytail and that if he didn't he'd be written up, he proceeded to tell him he'd get a pair of scissors and cut it himself!

Fortunately, the TSO kept his composure and bit his tongue. This TSO was recommended to file a complaint.

Even when we are in violation of company policy, it does not give management the right to treat us like dirt or be disrespectful. When they do we must stand up for ourselves and call them out on it. If you do, please make certain that you do it professionally. Keep your calm and do not make a scene. If they don't immediately apologize then you need to file a complaint.

Remeber, we're people too and deserve respect.

1 comment:

  1. 'That's classic! Were all hand wands in Pier B malfunctioning? did Pier B endure a power outage at the time? Or was Pier B was over staffed, and the brilliant Anthony Nguyen needed to justify his "over-staffed" Pier B to order full body pat down? I can understand why the wait time was 50 mins, all the TSOs were tired of full body patdowns,and decided to go other lanes. This is the perfect example of CAS managers lack of "Logical Thinking" and "Common Sense". Sometimes you just scratch your head and thinking "How the hell did people get to be managers?? Just like that, when someone makes a STUPID decision, we as TSOs and travel public ALL suffer.
    Just another thought, was Anthony Nguyen trying to tell SFO and Airlines that Covenant is incompetent to do security job? He must not like CAS very much.
