Friday, June 18, 2010

Highlights from the Union Meeting

Well, it's a little disappointing that more didn't show. Even if you're not a big union supporter it's all the more reason for you to show. We need to let the union know where we feel they are failing.

Enough of that. Let's get into some of the highlights. First was the acknowledgement that CAS screwed up. Great. We know that already.

It was also stated that the airlines have noticed our 100% SOP usage, i.e., longer lines. But it's still not enough! We need to be doing that more! Anyways it also got the attention of Gerry Berry which is what prompted his earlier willingness to have a meeting until he canceled.

There is also a suggestion of having separate bid lines for female and male PAX TSOs. They want to put this to a vote before it is formally presented to management.

The other idea tossed out there was joining a larger union. This one we're not personally on board with. Bottom line it is going to cost more in union dues. It's a little more complicated in their dues figuring, but anything that costs us more money without a proven track record of positive results makes us skeptical. The one distinct advantage is this union has a hotline that you can call for any grievance you may have. And they will get the paperwork rolling right then and there. We'll see on that one.

All in all the meeting didn't really accomplish much. So it's really going to come down to the rest of us. What are you willing to do?


  1. Unfortunately the meeting was for you guys...for everyone to have a voice and state their demands and concerns so that next weds when Pam Pearson comes in for the management meeting all of our voices are heard. So the question of asking what are u all willing to do is pointless the six of us present at the meeting can only say so much..the other hundreds of us better have no complaints..they showed what they're willing to do take it and roll with the punches that cas will undoubtedly continue to dish out...thanks again to those who showed up esp on your day off...

  2. That is true Jaime. It's a little frustrating trying to get more people on board, but if we can get just 30 to 40% of the work force on board with 100% SOP ALL THE TIME, we can continue to have an impact. The flying public and our jobs depend on it!

    Please keep us abreast of what happens with the meeting. And if you'd like, you can publish it here.
