Thursday, August 15, 2013

We have been asked to post this bit of information

To all who received a letter from SEIU demanding that you start paying dues.

 Mr. Stephen Burke has filed a charge against the Union regarding a withholding of dues due to a lack of a contract. A "Hiatus" period was in effect since the beginning of 2012 which resulted in the temporary removal of our requirement to pay dues. A letter requesting  that the payroll department not take any dues from our paychecks was submitted. This letter also stated that if and when a new contract became effective that we would only resume our membership at a reduced payment rate according to the 'Beck" clause. That "Beck" membership rate would be at a reduced rate of  (1.8% ) not the full amount of 2.3%.

Do not send back the two cards to the Union. The National Labor Relations Board is now conducting an investigation and we feel very confident that the previous ballot results will be tossed out. We are requesting that a new vote take place on-site, not as a mail in ballot.

We will pass along any information as it becomes available to us.

Once again, has anyone seen a signed copy of the new contract?

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